Amazing Love In Venice Screensaver
Amazing Love In Venice Screensaver shows a nice building in Venice.
Amazing Love In Venice Screensaver is a nice screensaver which shows a nice building in Venice. The scene shows what looks like a chapel in Venice.
From this menu, you will also be able to customize the image size, animation speed of the water, and DirectX quality. Moreover, the screensaver comes with a small viewer which allows you to view the image, zoom it in and out, and set it as desktop wallpaper very easily. Besides, you can also add a transparent analog clock in any of the screen corners, which can help you keep track of the time without blocking any part of the image.
In short, Amazing Love In Venice Screensaver is a nice and relaxing screensaver which can help you decorate your screen absolutely for free.
- Nice image
- Relaxing sounds
- You can add your own music
- You can add a clock
- Free
- No music